7 Craft For 10-Year-Old

7 Craft For 10-Year-Old

7 Craft For 10-Year-Old

Do you have a 10-year-old that’s spending the summer at home? Or maybe the kids are home for summer break and you’re looking for a way to keep them busy. 

Chances are, they love to craft!

Everyone loves crafting! It’s fun, it’s easy and it keeps the kids busy for a long time. But what types of crafts should you get them to do? You want something that will be age-appropriate and also interesting enough to hold their attention. 

In this article, we’ll talk about some of the best craft ideas that are great for 10-year-olds so you can come up with your own ideas or even use ours as is. Happy crafting!


Felt is a great craft material for kids. It’s easy to use, and easy to clean up, which means there’s no fussing with glue or paint. 

Felt is also cheap and easy to find at most craft stores and dollar stores. The main thing you need to watch out for when working with felt is that it can be pretty flammable, so make sure your child sticks to low-heat tools like scissors instead of hot glue guns or other heat sources!

With this in mind, there are lots of things you can make with felt:

Puppets, Kids love puppets! Make a puppet theater out of cardboard boxes, then let them create their own characters by cutting out felt shapes for their arms/legs/heads/etc.,

leaving holes for the face so they can see through them when it comes time for playtime. You could also try making a puppet theater using recycled newspaper tubes filled with cotton balls—your child will love watching all the colors move around inside!

Scratch Art Paper

For the craft, you will need

  • Scratch Art paper (you can buy this at your local arts and crafts store)
  • Sponge brush
  • Watercolor paints (optional)

Paper towels or tissue paper for blotting excess water from your paper when painting. You can also use a sponge to do this. 

This is optional but I recommend it as a way of saving time when painting (and having less mess).

Popsicle Stick

  • Use popsicle sticks to make a picture.
  • Use a popsicle stick to make a shape.
  • Use popsicle sticks to make a picture frame.
  • Use popsicle sticks to make a picture frame with a hole in it (for hanging).

Pom Poms

Pom poms are a craft that almost anyone can do, and they make great decorations for hats, scarves, and other items. 

For younger kids, use small yarn scraps to make them; for older kids or adults, you can use larger yarn scraps (or even full skeins!) to create a large pom.

Use the same technique as you would when making pompoms: wrap the loose end of your yarn around your fingers until there’s enough yarn to tie on the first knot with another piece of thread or string. 

Then continue wrapping until all of your pieces are wrapped up securely in your hands. When you’re done with this step, cut off all excess strings and tuck them under the knots at each point where two pieces intersect so it looks tidy and clean. 

Now it’s time for trimming! Use scissors or some kind of sharp tools like an X-Acto knife or pair of embroidery scissors (if those aren’t available) to clip off any excess strands from both ends until they’re flush against one another without leaving anything sticking out beyond either edge–this will give us our desired shape once we start cutting open these little balls later on down below.

Paper Plates

Use paper plates to make an easy rainbow.

Decorate the plate with markers or paint, then punch a hole in each of the top corners and thread string through them to hang it up when you’re done.

Or use a toothpick to make holes for the string, like we did here!

Craft with Popsicle Sticks

Did you know that you can use popsicle sticks to create a craft? Popsicle sticks are easy to come by and are perfect for creating many different things. 

Try out these ideas for some cool popsicle stick crafts.

Popsicle Stick Necklace: You’ll need two pieces of thread, one long piece that is twice as long as your necklace will be and another that is the length of your necklace plus an inch or so; paper clips, a ruler or tape measurer; craft foam in any color; hot glue gun; matching beads (optional); scissors. 

Tie the thread around one end of a paper clip and wrap it around several times until there’s no slack left in the thread. Then cut off any extra paper clip if necessary so it fits into a hole on top of the craft foam block without falling out

Paint Brush

A paintbrush is a very versatile craft item. You can use it to paint a picture, you can use it to paint a pot, and you could even use one to paint a wall. 

Paintbrushes are great for using on canvases or windows too! 

Make sure to get one with soft bristles so that it will glide smoothly across whatever surface you’re working on.

Looking For Some Fun Craft Ideas

Looking for some fun craft ideas for your 10-year-old? Try these 7 awesome ones with your kids to keep them busy this summer!

Make a beach ball with a hole in it and glitter inside. They will love the pop of color and sparkle when you squeeze it.

Create an underwater scene with ocean creatures cut out from magazines, add them to a mossy background, then glue sand on top of that. A perfect way to make any room look more beachy while teaching kids about nature/oceans at the same time!

Stamp sea shells – each kid gets their own bowl filled with water, then they can press a shell into whatever stamp position they want and make prints in different colors (and maybe even write their names). 

This is also great if you need something quick because you can use pre-made stamps instead of trying to draw everything yourself 🙂


I hope these ideas will inspire you to spend some quality time with your kids. If you enjoyed reading this post and found it helpful, please share it with friends and family! We love hearing from our readers so feel free to leave comments

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