Craft For Kids Animals

Craft For Kids Animals

Craft For Kids Animals

Looking for a cute and easy ocean craft for kids? This paper plate fishbowl craft is perfect for toddlers, preschoolers, and big kids! It’s the perfect ocean-themed craft idea for kids. 

It makes a great homemade toy or an adorable addition to the playroom decor. And you can even turn it into a fun preschool activity by using it to talk about volume, volume with children, and measuring with preschoolers.

Animal Crafts For Kids

If you want to make a fish bowl craft, here’s how. Gather your materials. You will need two different-sized bowls (one large and one small), some blue paint, and some green paint. 

You can also use whatever else you have lying around the house or in your classroom to decorate the bowls with, such as stickers or glitter glue.

Paint both of your bowls blue and allow them time to dry before continuing on with the project!

Once both of them are dry, take a small amount of green paint onto a paper plate and dip your fingers into it so they’re covered in the paint like little pinchers!

Now go over each edge of one large bowl with this “pincher” finger technique so that there are nice thick lines all around it; repeat this step for the other large bowl but only do half (so 1/6th) because we want an even number when counting how many fishies get put inside so we know how many kids can play too 🙂

Paper Plate Frog Craft

Materials. One paper plate

  • Red, green, and black paint (or markers)
  • Small piece of construction paper or card stock


  • Paint the plate green and allow it to dry completely.
  • Cut out eyes from the construction paper or card stock and glue them onto the plate with a dab of hot glue gun adhesive. Glue on additional details such as pupils and eyelashes if desired. You can use a curling ribbon for this purpose!
  • Have your child color in the back legs using red paint or marker before attaching them to their body using two toothpicks glued together at one end (the other ends should face away from each other). This will serve as an easy way for kids to grasp onto while playing with their new frog friend!

Paper Plate Turtle Craft

You will need

  • Paper plate
  • Green construction paper or felt scraps
  • Scissors
  • Glue (optional)

To make the turtle, cut out two circles from the paper plate. Use one to make a shell by folding it in half and gluing the edges together. Use one circle to cut out four little feet and three triangles for ears (or use more circles as shown here). 

Glue each ear down onto one side of your head, then glue on the feet at an angle on the other side so they stick out away from your head like antennae! Using another piece of green paper or felt, cut out an egg-shaped eye patch and glue it onto his face!.

Fish Bowl Craft

This craft is a great way to teach kids about fish and their habitats!

You’ll need

  • Paper plates (2 large)
  • Crayons, markers, or stickers (optional)
  • Glue (optional)

What you do

Tell the child that they’re going to make a habitat for fish. Gently remind them not to put any real fish in their bowl.

Show them how they can use crayons or markers to draw on their plate as well as paint over it with glue like Elmer’s. Adults may need some help getting started with this step because it requires patience but once you get going, it will be easy enough for anyone in your family — even if they don’t have art skills!  

Encourage them not to worry too much about making perfect lines — this is meant more as messy fun than fine art! If you’re using paper plates instead of plastic ones like ours then consider letting each child create two different designs so that everyone has something unique at home when all is said and done 

(or better yet — let everyone make one together.)

Felt Caterpillar Craft

This felt caterpillar craft is easy to make and a lot of fun for kids to play with.

The materials you’ll need are:

  • Felt (I used black and orange)
  • Scissors or cutting tool of your choice
  • Craft glue or hot glue gun (if you want to add eyes to yours)

Handprint Fish Craft

  • Use an old sock and paintbrush to make a fish.
  • Use a tissue paper roll to make a fish.
  • Use a paper plate to make a fish.
  • Use a paper towel roll to make a fish.
  • Use a toilet paper roll to make a fish

Jellyfish Craft

To make this craft for your kids, you’ll need

  • a clear plastic cup
  • pipe cleaners in different colors (you can use the same color for all the jellyfish or mix it up with some purple and green ones)
  • rubber bands in different sizes (one size should be large enough to fit around the bottom of the cup, while another should be smaller than that)
  • paper clips or small binder clips

We love easy kids’ crafts and this easy fishbowl craft is perfect for toddlers, preschoolers, and big kids! It’s a simple ocean craft idea for kids and perfect for summer activities. 

It makes a great homemade toy or an adorable addition to the playroom decor. And you can even turn it into a fun preschool activity and add some math learning to your day by talking about volume, volume with children, and measuring with preschoolers.

Who doesn’t love a cute fishbowl? They are so much fun to make and everyone loves them. This easy kids’ craft is perfect for toddlers, preschoolers, big kids, and adults too! 

It’s an easy way to bring ocean animals into the home with your toddler or preschooler and make an adorable addition to the playroom decor. 

And you can even turn it into a fun preschool activity and add some math learning to your day by talking about volume, volume with children, and measuring with preschoolers.


You can grab an aquarium or fish bowl and use it to hold the animal that you love. This way, you will be able to see your fish whenever you want, without any hassle!

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