7 Butterfly Wings Craft For Kids

7 Butterfly Wings Craft For Kids


Butterfly wing craft for kids is a fun activity for kids. They can make butterfly wings using tissue paper, tape and glue. This craft is easy to make and doesn’t require any special skills or tools.

Section: Materials needed for the butterfly wing craft

Takeaways: You will need some colorful tissue papers, transparent tape and glue to complete this project. You can use any kind of tape but I find that clear packing tape works best because it sticks better than duct tape or masking tape. For the glue, you can use tacky glue or hot glue gun but make sure that the children don’t touch it while working on their butterfly wings as they might get burned by touching hot glue while they’re working on this project!

Craft # 1: Butterfly Wings

  • You will need
  • Paper: 1 sheet at least 16 inches by 20 inches.
  • Scissors: for cutting the paper.
  • Glue: to glue the wings together and create the butterfly’s body..
  • Tools you’ll use are:
  • A piece of cardboard; For attaching the wings together, you can use an old cereal box or any other type of cardboard that is sturdy enough to hold up during play time. You could also use poster board, but if you do this make sure it doesn’t bend too easily before gluing it down so that it doesn’t get damaged while being played with! If your child is younger than 3 years old, then I would recommend using a heavier type material instead because they might accidentally rip through something lighter like tissue paper which would not be safe for their little hands either way! Also keep in mind that this material should be large enough so there’s room for both sides (left/right) without overlapping onto another side when folded over onto itself…

Craft # 2: Paper Plate Wings

This is a really simple craft to make and can be finished in about 15 minutes. The supplies you will need are:

  • A paper plate
  • Scissors
  • String, thread or ribbon (at least 60 inches)

Craft # 3: Pop Stick Wings


  • Pop sticks (you can use any kind of thin stick, like toothpicks)
  • Paper for the wings (it’s ok if it’s not white, but if your kids won’t be happy with anything but pure white paper, you may want to get some extra)
  • Paintbrush or sponge applicator (for painting the wings)
  • Glue stick (or tape) to glue the wings on

Craft # 4: Wire Hanger Butterfly

This butterfly craft is so simple and fun to make, you’ll be amazed at how much your children will enjoy creating it! You will need:

  • Wire hanger
  • Paint or markers (optional)
  • Pipe cleaners (optional)

Craft # 5: Glitter Wings

Glitter is a wonderful way to add sparkle to a craft. It’s not messy, so it’s safe for kids, but glitter can still be messy if you’re not careful. Here are some tips:

  • Keep some tissues handy. If your child gets glitter on their hands or clothes, use tissue to wipe it away immediately; this will prevent the glitter from sticking and making a mess of things later on.
  • Cover your work space with newspaper or plastic tablecloths (you can find them at the dollar store). This will protect surfaces from getting covered in stray bits of glitter and make clean-up easier!

Craft # 6: Handprint Butterfly Wings


  • Paper plate
  • Glitter paint
  • Paintbrush (optional)
  • Marker (optional)
  • Craft stick (optional)
  • Glue stick or glue gun, if you like to make things permanent
  • Sponge, for the wings’ texture and shape

Craft # 7: Butterfly Egg Carton Wreath


  • egg carton flowers
  • card stock in the color of your choice. (I used black and white)
  • scissors, glue, tape or stapler, paint brush for applying paint. I used a sponge brush for mine because it’s what I had on hand at the time.


  • Cut out 2 wings per flower from card stock using your favorite shape or butterfly stencil as a guide (or just free-hand it like I did!). The size can vary depending on how big you want your butterflies to look—just make sure they will fit inside the egg carton flowers so they can support them when they’re attached!
  • Do the same thing now with smaller shapes that are roughly half as wide as each one of those bigger ones so you have 4 total pieces per flower (2 large ones and 2 small). These will be used to wrap around both sides of each egg carton flower base like petals around an orange section!
  • When you’re done cutting out all these shapes it’s time to start gluing them together using some kind of adhesive such as hot glue gun or even super glue if that’s easier for you than using tape etc… It’s also good practice though not necessary here since this project doesn’t require any tackiness but rather lots & lots patience while waiting until everything dries completely before moving onto next step…

Families can do these fun crafts together

In our busy lives, it’s not always easy to carve out time for our children. But these crafts give you an opportunity to connect with your kids and make something fun together. Maybe you’ll even get some unexpected help from your spouse or another adult in your life!

These activities are a great way for parents and kids to bond over something creative—and they also offer a chance for people of all ages to get outside, get messy and have fun while learning new skills they can use again and again (like making paper butterflies).


We hope you have fun with these crafts. They are easy to do and will make your kids feel like they can be butterflies!

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