7 Paper Cup Craft For Kids

7 Paper Cup Craft For Kids

7 Paper Cup Craft For Kids

A paper cup craft for kids is a project that uses paper cups as the main material. 

This can be a fun and easy way to entertain kids, especially if they are interested in arts and crafts. There are many different ways to use paper cups in crafts, so be creative and see what you can come up with.

Paper cups are not just for drinking. Transform your old paper cups into the cute, pretty and fun stuff. Here’s a list of 7 Paper Cup Craft For Kids:

Flower Cup Craft for kids

Materials needed.

  • Paper cups
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick (or glue)
  • Paint – red, yellow, green, blue, and purple (optional)
  • Paint brushes (optional)


Cut the bottom of a paper cup off with scissors and save this piece to use as your flower pot lid.

Cut out a flower shape from the cup with your scissors; make sure it is big enough to cover the top of your cup when placed on top of it later on in step 5!

Paint your paper cups in whatever color you like! You can mix colors together if you want multiple shades on one cup or just use one color per cup! If using paint sticks instead of brushes then simply stick them into place instead of brushing over them with paint brush bristles like normal brushes do so that way kids won’t get messy hands while painting their craft projects together as well as avoid making too much mess when doing so because there won’t be any excess paint coming off onto their clothes etcetera either which often happens when using regular acrylic paints but not necessarily so much when using these types instead since they don’t have any liquid at all inside them – just solid waxes stuck together really tightly together inside each stick like beeswax does when melted down into little balls called ‘beeswax pellets’ by beekeepers so they can keep everything inside its container safe

Paper Cup Bird Feeders


  • 1 paper cup
  • string (or yarn)
  • bird seed


Cut a small hole in the bottom of your paper cup. Make sure it’s just big enough for birds to get food from, but not so big that they can fly into it.

Fill your cup with bird seed and tie a string around it, making sure that there is room for hanging on the tree branch or porch railing where you want to place this crafty project.

Hang up your feeder inside or outside — depending on what type of birds you hope to attract!

Paper Cup Rainmaker

What you will need.

  • Paper cup
  • Pencil or pen that writes in the rain (you can buy these at craft stores)
  • Water, liquid dish detergent, and food coloring (optional)

How to make a paper cup rainmaker.

Draw a face on the outside of your paper cup using the pencil or pen that writes in the rain. You can use faces from magazines as templates for your drawings. Cut out any patterns from a magazine and glue them onto your cup with clear tape if desired. 

If you want to use liquid dish detergent instead of water, fill about two-thirds of your cup with it then add one drop of food coloring at a time until you get the color saturation that you like best. Then top off with warm water until it is full but not overflowing onto its brim!

Colorful Paper Cup Bracelet

You will need.

  • Colored drinking cups (the plastic kind, not the paper ones)
  • A hole punch or scissors
  • Rubber band or hair elastic
  • Needle and thread (if you want to use the button method)
  • Hot glue gun, glue stick, stapler, and paper clip (if you want to use other methods)

Party Paper Lanterns

Paper cup lanterns are an easy way to decorate for a party.  

They can be made in advance, transported easily, stored with ease, and recycled after use.

To make paper cup lanterns you will need.

  • Paper cups (the plain white ones are best)
  • Ribbon/string
  • Scissors

Water Cup Race Game

Get your cups ready by adding water to the bottom of each one. The amount of water you need will vary depending on how many people are playing, so make sure you adjust accordingly!

Stack the cups on top of each other in a pyramid shape, with the spout facing downward. Make sure they’re stable and won’t fall over when you place them on the table or floor!

Have everyone sit around the table/floor in front of their cup stack while they take turns starting first by blowing into their cup’s spout until it drips all over them (or until someone wins).

Christmas Decoration Paper Cup Snowman

To make a Christmas decoration paper cup snowman, follow these steps.

  • Cut out two circles from white paper and one triangular piece for the hat.
  • Cut out two small stars of red paper and stick them onto the sides of his face.
  • Put glue on the bottom of an empty paper cup and stick it onto a white circle, then stick one small star on either side to make eyes.
  • Glue a triangular piece onto the head as a hat and stick it on another small star to make its nose.

Transform Your Old Paper Cups Into Cute, Pretty, And Fun Stuff.

Paper cups are a great supply to have on hand when it comes to arts and crafts. 

They’re inexpensive, they come in a variety of sizes and colors, and they can be transformed into some really cool stuff! In this article, I’ll show you seven ways to recycle paper cups that will allow you to save money while being creative.

Decorate the inside of your cup with markers or paint. You don’t have to worry about spilling because there’s no lid!

Make a fun pencil holder out of a regular cup by punching holes in the bottom of it so you can stick pencils up through them. This is especially useful if you have kids who love to color as much as mine do!

Turn an empty soda bottle into an origami cat (or any other animal). The best part? It’s free! You just need some tape or glue so it stays together after you fold all those pieces together – yeah, that sounds like fun too 🙂


I hope these paper cup crafts have inspired you to create some fun with your kids. I know they will love them, and so will you!

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